Which newborn shoot is right for you?

First off, CONGRATULATIONS!  I am so excited that you’ve decided that I’m the person you want to photograph your new family.

Newborn sessions come in all shapes and sizes.  There are so many beautiful ways that we can capture your new baby and your family and it’s so important to choose the one that feels right for you.  I don’t want every single newborn gallery I create to look or feel the same. I want it to feel like yours.

Every session will include full family shots, portraits of your baby, gorgeous details, and sibling photos. 

But the balance and focus of what we capture will vary depending on where your session is held.

So, which one is right for you?

Psssst – wondering what to wear? Read my top tips here

Snuggly and sweet in the studio

In-home sessions

If your home is where your heart is, these sessions are for you. See one in more detail here!

When I come to your home, I am aiming to capture your family in your element.  I’m not trying to make your home into a studio (I have an actual studio for that).  I’m there to photograph YOU.  All of you.  Real newborn life in your real home.

Grab a coffee and snuggle in. I want to see you in comfy clothes, cuddled on the sofa feeding your baby, giving them a bath, jumping on the bed… whatever it is that you usually do at home, that’s what I’m there to capture. 

I’ll seek out the beautiful corners of light, and I’ll prompt you to connect with each other.  But these sessions are very much led by you, your lifestyle, and your space.  

These sessions are perfect for:

  • Families who love their home.  That’s not to say that it has to be Pinterest-perfect or spotless (trust me, mine isn’t!).  Perhaps it’s cosy and warm, full of memories from past travels.  Perhaps it’s been in the family for generations. Perhaps it’s a little characterful cottage with beautiful pockets of light. Perhaps you’ve built and designed every corner of it yourself.    You’ll need good natural light in a couple of areas of your home – but you definitely don’t have to live in a show home.  Nor does your home need to be spotless – you should just focus on clearing a few key areas as backdrops for your images.
  • Families with toddlers.  In any newborn session, I will try to get through all of the shots involving toddlers nice and quickly because, y’know, toddlers.  The huge benefit of being at home is that once your little tornado is done with their snaps, they can go and play, or have a nap – or even head off to daycare!  If your toddler is typically shy, then being at home in familiar surroundings can help them to come out of their shell more quickly.
  • Families who are seeking to capture reality over perfection.  If this is you, you should absolutely consider adding a keepsake film to your newborn package to capture the sounds and laughter that fills your home in these perfectly chaotic days.

Sounds too much like hard work?  Then maybe you’re a perfect family for a studio session…

Studio Sessions

The Surry Hills studio is a beautiful, light and neutral space in my home.  It’s small but perfectly formed, and if you’re looking for the studio look then this is perfect for you.

When you come to the studio, the focus is on portraits.  These sessions are more directed than in-home sessions.  It’s a calm and relaxing experience where you can sit back, relax, and drink endless cups of tea (made by a proper Englishwoman). 

Older siblings are very welcome in the studio, and – just like in-home sessions – I recommend that we get all of their shots captured as quickly as possible while they are happy and engaged.  Your partner can then take them off to school or daycare while we slow the session down and move on to focus on your baby.

Studio sessions are perfect for:

  • Families whose house is not their ‘forever home’.  Perhaps you don’t have great light; perhaps you just don’t want to clean up (I hear you on that one).  Whatever the reason, the SRP studio is a bright and neutral space for you.
  • Families looking for the ‘studio look’.  The portraits we can create in the studio are second to none.  The light is perfect and you’ll have full access to my client wardrobe for mum and bub, with as many outfit changes as you like included in your session.
  • Families whose focus is on portraits and details rather than documentary-style images.

Not adventurous enough for you…?

Sunset Adventures

Ready to burst that newborn bubble?  There’s absolutely no reason why your session has to be inside. 

I’ll bring some beautiful blankets to wrap your baby in, and a moses basket.  Let’s head to the park or the beach and capture your family in our beautiful surroundings.  These sessions run similar to my family sunset sessions, but they are typically slower and we take as many breaks as we need to for feeds, nappy changes, and cuddles. 

Your session will focus more on lifestyle family shots, capturing the ‘in-between’ cuddles, kisses, and laughter.  Always, of course, incorporating our beautiful backdrop into your gallery.  But don’t worry, there will be plenty of time for newborn portraits – in the moses basket if baby is happy to be put down, or in your arms if not. 

Adventure sessions are perfect for you if:

  • You are sick to death of being cooped up indoors with a baby and want some fresh air!  I feel like new mums tend to fall into one of two camps – those who don’t want to burst the bubble, and those desperate to!  I was definitely in the latter camp, so if that’s you as well then embrace it!
  • You have an older child who loves being outdoors.  Some kids love to be at home, but others (like mine) thrive outside.  If your toddler spends 80% of their time at home tearing your lounge room apart and the other 20% demanding snacks, then let’s get them outside!
  • You’re looking for a wall-worthy image which focusses more on your new family as a whole more than portraits of baby (although, don’t fret, we will definitely get those too!).

Not sure which location to choose? Check out my blog here.

The Freshie Sesh

Want to capture them fresh as fresh can be? I can visit you in hospital for the ultimate Freshie Sesh.

This session is for you if you want to remember that indescribable hazy newborn bubble. That period we all forget too quickly.

Once bub arrives, I’ll book in a time to visit and spend around 45 minutes with your new family. The aim of this session is for me to float in and out in the blink of an eye. Your very own fly on the wall.

This is a documentary-style newborn shoot. I’ll be there as you’re learning to swaddle your baby, for their early feeds, their first bath, and the lazy bed snuggles. To capture their first meeting with their siblings, as you as you breathe in their incredible newborn smell.

I will also capture a handful of beautiful portraits of you and your baby. I keep these quick and simple. There is less direction and it is less curated than a studio or in-home session.

This gallery will transport you back to that hazy love-filled time, without any of the fuss. Please check your hospital’s visiting rules prior to booking.

Which one will you choose? Enquire here to book your session!

And what will you wear? Read my top tips here

Did you book my most popular Bump To Baby package? Then you’ll also need to choose what style of maternity session is right for you…

I can’t wait to meet you!

  1. […] If you’re booking my most popular Bump To Baby package, then it’s time to decide what type of newborn shoot is right for you! […]

  2. Jae says:

    Dear Stacey!

    I love love organic vide photos from your gallery💛 May I know the price of the Sunset Adventures? And how long usually it takes?


  3. […] out my specific recommendations for your MATERNITY SHOOT and your NEWBORN SHOOT […]

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